Stardate: -316640.71
Bethany and I went camping there with Vjera and Eddie a couple weekends ago. We camped on Diamond Lake, which in its own right is a very good lake, then spent the next day driving most of the way around the rim of the more famous one. We had a good time, definitely helped by the fact that both Bethany and I like taking pictures. There's not a whole lot to do at Crater Lake except look at it and marvel at its blueness.
Bethany and I also spent a day at the Oregon Coast visiting my friend Krysten from Life. She was staying with her grandparents in Waldport. We spent hours talking to her, telling her the story of our friendship, and took a walk on a foggy beach. What fog lacks in beauty, it gains in surreality.
I went to orientation at George Fox Evangelical Seminary last week, which was a mostly boring two hours interrupted by a hilarious librarian and punctuated with heartfelt, brief addresses by a good portion of the faculty. Everyone seems very intent to challenge us spiritually and emotionally and not just academically, which is refreshing at an institution of higher education.
I have registered for seven credits, and might add another class if I can fit it into my schedule. I don't know if carpooling is going to work out as well as I had hoped, but in any event, one day a week is very manageable, especially when my car gets good gas mileage.
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