Stardate: -316335.37
It's interesting, and perhaps quite remarkable, that this is the first computer I have owned. I made it through five years of college without one, just using the computers in the library and those at other common places on campus.
There's hope on my part that having a computer will result in more blogging. Perhaps also more writing in general, more keeping in touch with people via e-mail, and maybe I'll even join a social networking website (probably a good bet that the first one won't be MySpace).
I remember that about a year ago, I was reflecting with one of my friends that it was interesting that I was at the end of my five years of college and I did not have a car, a cell phone, or a laptop. (Actually, I didn't have a bicycle or a digital camera either.) Now, here I am, and I have all of them. Do I feel different? Not really. But I have a growing conviction that with every thing that I own, I have a new opportunity to honor God and impact the world.
So, maybe I am different than I was a year ago. Maybe a lot.
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