Stardate: -316358.64
Earlier this week I was at a parking lot in Eugene and I saw a car that had a lot of bumper stickers on it. So, being the nerd that I am, I pretended to talk on my cell phone while I intentionally wandered (is that an oxymoron?) around said car and counted all of the bumper stickers. 155. That's a lot. My favorite, easily, was the one on the front of the car that said, "I HATE bumper stickers."
Yeah, right. I don't believe it.
Another week, more people over to our apartment. This week it was girls on Tuesday and Wednesday night. J.C. barbecued on Wednesday night, and nearly died in a dramatic explosion (or so he tells me). Then tonight, I invited my parents and younger brothers over to have dinner with me. My sisters were both busy. I guess, in a small way at least, it was a coming of age for me as an adult, to have my own apartment and to invite my parents over for dinner and cook for them. I'll never repay them for all the meals they cooked for me, or the countless other things they gave me, but at least they know I love them in return and that I made it to adulthood.
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