antiquus postremo

'antiquus postremo' is latin for "ancient future". ancient-future is a term used by the so-called "postmodern church" or emerging church to envision what the future of the church might look like if we returned to modeling the early church as described in the book of acts. anyway, ancient future for this blog just means that I'm writing about what's happening right now in my life, kind of like saying "yesterday's tomorrow".


Stardate: -316472.53

June is such a beautiful month in Oregon. I love the long hours of daylight, the mild heat during the day, and how the temperature drops when the sun goes down. I love the lack of humidity compared to where I was at this time last year (see Link below).

I love that I don't have to worry about hurricane warnings. I love the way the Willamette river can look blue and green at the same time. I love how when the sun comes up in the morning, I forget about the darkness of night and whatever happened the day before. I love how the sun reflects off the dew on everything green, and makes the world look like a new place.

I love that I get to work outside. That I have the luxury of biking. That I don't depend on an AC unit to keep me cool.

I love how it all speaks of God's stance toward the world. How He's unfazed by what appears to be going dreadfully wrong. Of how His mercies are new every morning, just like the sunrise. Of how it seems to me that He's walking around in His creation, not confined to some divine office cubicle or government building.

In fact, I think if we were to look for Him, we would find Him not in the places we most associate with Him, but in places like the sunrise.



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