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It's one thing to admit (for the first time in my life, perhaps) that such an occurrence is a possibility. It's another for it to actually happen...and it has, actually, happened.
It may be comical, or entertaining, to some of you who read this blog how the sequence of events has unfolded. Indeed, my favorite way to announce it to people is that Bethany and I are out of denial. To which, several people have responded, "What are you guys in, then?"
The most accurate answer is that we don't know. To say we are dating is not appealing to us. Courtship is probably the best term, though even it is somewhat antiquated, and to the extent that it is used in this age, can also imply a relationship or process that is not a true description of our journey.
Rest assured, though, that Bethany and I are not being evasive by refusing to prematurely label our involvement with each other. We are very serious about the process that we have begun. We don't know how long it will take, or where it will take us. Our goal is to deepen our relationship while carefully, prayerfully, and thoroughly considering whether we want to continue into marriage.
And ultimately, this process is to see whether God smiles on us and encourages us to continue on. I invite you to be a part of that process with us. Courtship, for us, is not about isolating ourselves, but about making an informed, wise decision while we look to our family and friends to help us, and to see whether God would be glorified in our unique friendship heading in a new direction.