Stardate: -317744

This morning, after working my side job over by River Road, neither of my sisters left late enough for work to be able to give me a ride, so I took my time by bike. I went to G.I. Joes, Papa's office to say hi, downtown Eugene to drop off my time sheet, and back home. The bike path on the river is really beautiful when it's sunny.
Just when I was arriving home I passed by both Mom and Thad riding different places on their bikes. Since Papa rode the bus to work today in order to ride home on his Coker (read: big-wheel unicycle), and Simon regularly rides to school on his Coker, that means there were five of us riding man-powered transportation contraptions today. Besides Simon, that means the four of us had corresponding drive-able cars sitting in the garage, driveway, or in front of the house.
This just in: Gas prices for bicycles (and unicycles) are staying steady, registering no increases in the recent past.