Stardate: -316280.75

The reasons are somewhat complicated, but the simplest explanation is just that it's not the best time in the life of their family to have a houseguest. Jason and I mutually agreed that it was best for both parties. On my end, this seemed to be confirmed by the other possibility that opened up: My friend J.C. inviting me to move into his apartment, where he and his brother David live.
So J.C. and I are working on confiscating a futon for me to sleep on in the living room, and I'll work on moving my stuff over this weekend.
I'm excited about this for several reasons: J.C. is a good friend, and both he and his brother should be good roommates for me. It will help them out financially by cutting the rent into thirds, and will still be a very reasonable amount for me. J.C. is in a similar place in life as I am, and both of us are planning (tentatively) to attend George Fox Evangelical Seminary in the fall. I'll have a great commute to college group, and will have a regular bike ride to my morning work, which means that I'll get to exercise regularly. I'll also be right next door to a bike path.
Perhaps best of all, I'll have a place that's as much my own as anyone else's, where I can play music, invite people over to do whatever, and not have to tiptoe around the house to keep from waking the baby up. In the meantime, I'll be able to continue my relationship with my half-brother and his family without the stress of being a houseguest.
We have a futon you can have! But maybe you've slept on it before & know how uncomfortable it is? But, hey, it's free....
Then maybe I'll buy a couch I *like* downstairs and put the grey one upstairs....
*grins* This will be fun.
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