Stardate: -316258.93

I think it's also true that how someone uses their free time tells a lot about what they're actually passionate about. Often, it can be unrelated to what that person does for a living.
One of my personal convictions about work is that anything I get paid to do, I would be willing to volunteer to do, at least for some period of time. (I admit that even the most enjoyable jobs I've had, I probably wouldn't have kept doing them if I hadn't got paid.) I guess that's a little bit of a safety net for me, because if I don't enjoy my work, my day drags by. I want to enjoy life, and not just my free time; I also want my work to mirror my personal interests and abilities in some way.
Recently, I decided that right now, it is more important for me to prepare for (and be involved in) what I believe God wants me to do with my life, than just to focus on making, spending, and saving money. That's probably something that I can get away with more now, because I'm single and in a good place financially, but I hope that commitment carries over to every situation of my life. I also hope that helps keep my priorities straight when considering whether to look for, and accept, jobs of any kind.
The thought that lurks in the back of my mind is this: When I get to heaven, God's not going to ask me about money, how much I made or spent, or about my job, status, or possessions. He's going to question me on another thread entirely. Until I have an idea what that thread is, there's no chance of my priorities lining up with His.
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