Stardate: -316212.85
On Friday/Saturday I moved out of my parents' house and officially into my half-brother Jason's house, where he and his wife and their six-month-old son live. I'm staying in the guest room. I'll be paying them rent and hopefully get to know them better.
Having officially quit Alvord-Taylor as of just over a week ago, I'm wondering how hard I want to try to find another part-time job to do. I have a fairly consistent gap in my schedule from about 8 AM - 3 PM on weekdays, though I don't want any job that conflicts with late afternoons, evenings, or weekends. I'm also picky about what type of work that I do. This time, preferably something that is a new experience of sorts; something unboring, challenging, and perhaps including interaction with people to some degree.
Being picky is why I'm not working right now... 'course, since you do have a job, maybe you can afford to be picky... You could work at Carl's Jr. *grins*
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