Stardate: -316175.17
- Spending three hours in the gym at Thurston High practicing umpire mechanics, calls, and footwork with a mix of veteran and rookie umpires
- Finishing said umpire clinic with them using me as a guinea pig to show that 90% of the game umpires itself (they had me turn my back and make out/safe calls by sound only, and I got 9 of 10 right)
- Riding my bike across town to do a Kidsports basketball game during an absolutely gorgeous Saturday afternoon
- Arriving at said Kidsports game only to find out that there were already two referees there, both insisting that they were scheduled, so I left and took advantage of the situation to take photos of the sunset
- Going on a walk on Sunday afternoon with Vjera & Eddie, and Bethany on Amazon bike path
- Again joining the regularly scheduled program at Christ Fellowship's College/Career Group, after missing multiple Sunday nights due to basketball referee meetings
- Feeling very at home at said CCG meeting, with a group of young adults who are nearly as sarcastic as I am (and loving the Lord doesn't hurt either)
What?! We're sarcastic?
No, I think you're wrong. There's no way we can be sarcastic...
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