Stardate: -317828.74

Another weekend, and I did even more biking than last week. Maybe around 55 miles? Three soccer games in two different places on Saturday, work on Saturday, church and back on Sunday, and to LCC for a meeting of the LCBOA (Lane County Basketball Officials Assocation). It was the first meeting of the year. They're going to have some pretty extensive training for new referees like me. I also have homework this week...reading the rule book and such. It's a good thing I like basketball. I'm glad basketball season is starting, and glad that there is something for me to excited about in the wintertime. God bless you, James Naismith, for inventing such an amazing sport, and I look forward to meeting you in heaven.
When my cell phone rang yesterday, I did a double take. What is that? I thought. Oh, yeah, it's my phone. It is nice to have one; I would probably describe it as ultra-convenient. Welcome to a new age of communication, I say to myself.
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