Stardate: -317776.39

I applied for a specific shift at the "intense" house yesterday. I went in to the office so I could see the job postings, not sure which I would choose to apply for of the three shifts that I liked best. I got an advantage because attached to each posting were slips from other staff who had applied to each particular shift. So I chose one that no one had applied for (yet). It is possible that another person or two might apply for it today (which is the last day to apply), but I seem to stand a good chance. The consensus I've heard from different staff in the agency is that besides the people who already work at that house, no one really wants to work there.
I'm not sure if it's because of the difficult work environment or the demand for workers or both, but people who work at this particular house get an extra dollar-per-hour of "crisis pay."
Cool pic.
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