Stardate: -317779.38

I had a couple reflections about this. First, it's really cool to get paid to do something fun while you're working.
Second, I was reminded again that the reason I am in this job is for unselfish reasons. I'm not in it for me and what I get out of it; I'm in it for other people. Sometimes my motives are just selfish; and while I'm on earth anyway, there's not going to be a time that I made it, that I become completely unselfish. I'm always struggling, battling with certain aspects of my sinful nature that rear their appealing, destructive heads more often than I would like.
And that's one of the things I do like about this job. Unselfishness, patience, and humility are acquired almost as a byproduct of what I do, even without me making any special effort. That's really the only thing I want to get out of it: Character.
So I remind myself again: I'm not in this for me. That one determination could change how I look at a lot of different things in life. Because my outlook on life is always determined by internal things, not external things; by motives and decisions, not by circumstances or other people. I pray that's something we always remember.
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