Stardate: -317790.52

I learned last week that I got the shift I applied for at the house off Mohawk Street in Springfield. It's Wednesday through Saturday, 1 pm to 9 pm (except Wed., when there's a staff meeting in the morning and a shift from 2 - 8 pm). That means I'll have limited hours, mostly free mornings, a consistent schedule, and a three-day weekend. That gives me the ability to ref some, keep my other side job in the mornings, and pick up an extra shift now and then. As I mentioned before, this particular house is challenging, which means a $1 per hour increase in pay (or so I've heard). And I shouldn't be bored.
I start training tomorrow morning (my schedule is slightly different this week than it would be normally because I'm training). In the meantime, I ref a Kidsports soccer game today in Eugene before I go to the LCSRA meeting this evening.
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