antiquus postremo

'antiquus postremo' is latin for "ancient future". ancient-future is a term used by the so-called "postmodern church" or emerging church to envision what the future of the church might look like if we returned to modeling the early church as described in the book of acts. anyway, ancient future for this blog just means that I'm writing about what's happening right now in my life, kind of like saying "yesterday's tomorrow".


Stardate: -317853.29

Now that Vjera and Hope have moved back into the house with the rest of the family, there is no way for me to ride over with one of them after my side job on Mon/Wed/Fri morning. I have the option of either biking or taking the bus or some combination of both. This morning I biked, which may have been God's grace for my younger brother, because he hadn't woke up on time when I arrived home at ten after eight. If I had taken the bus, he would have been late for school.

Basketball season has started. I have my first game for the association on Monday, a junior high game in Pleasant Hill. I wouldn't normally be going out of the city, but this is an exception because my assigner wanted to pair me with a more experienced referee. I will probably be doing two games a week during the season for the assoc., usually a junior high game on Monday evening, and probably a junior high, freshman, or JV game on Tuesday evening. I'm not likely to get any high level varsity games during my first year.

Kidsports basketball season doesn't start until January, when I'll start doing a couple games most Saturday mornings and Sunday afternoons.


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