antiquus postremo

'antiquus postremo' is latin for "ancient future". ancient-future is a term used by the so-called "postmodern church" or emerging church to envision what the future of the church might look like if we returned to modeling the early church as described in the book of acts. anyway, ancient future for this blog just means that I'm writing about what's happening right now in my life, kind of like saying "yesterday's tomorrow".


Stardate: -316008.1

It's actually past when I should be in bed, but I want to give you a mental picture. Imagine me -- quiet, unassuming, thoughtful, intelligent me -- goofing off in Winco at 10 PM while grocery shopping with two of my favorite friends, a tall outgoing black guy from New York City and a blond-haired girl from an upstate New York hicktown. Joking with them, making fun of each other while practically throwing food items haphazardly into the cart.

One thing I know, I've never gone grocery shopping quite like that before.


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